A few weeks back,
we launched a new webinar funnel for one
of our legacy clients, Seleno Health.
Frisson Media & Seleno Health have been working together for 3 years now, and one thing that has helped this relationship flourish is the founders’ deep understanding and knowledge of the products they sell.
When it comes to Maca and Cacao, no one can match Corin and Sally. They know these two plants like the back of their hands.
Corin has filmed dozens of webinars over the years, and has a steady bank of them ready to be leveraged.
And leverage them we are!
This new funnel essentially puts all webinars behind a “paywall” – if leads/prospects want to access and view them, they’ll need to opt in to our newsletter.
A simple transaction if you’d like to call it, with a lot of upside for Seleno Health.
Once someone enters their email address, they are granted access to the webinar page, and added to a funnel where they can watch the webinars as they please.
Over the next few weeks, they’ll receive a bunch of targeted, infotaining emails via a custom “welcome flow”
From here, they will be mailed until they either:
a. Unsubscribe
b. Buy a product/s from Seleno Health
If you’re a brand owner sitting on a pile of market relevant information, package it up and present it as a lead magnet. If your audience wants to access it – they’ll need to take an action. Call it an honest value exchange.
A warm email is extremely valuable in online marketing. Do everything in your power to secure these!