Why Comment Replies Matter For Cold Traffic Success

When it comes to writing copy and creating ads for cold traffic…

You need to make sure you leave no stones unturned.

Your ad has to guide your reader in the most easily digestible way possible.

And even if it is…

You’ll still get confused readers that need your MANUAL guidance.

Last year we launched a new product for our client, and the angle was literally:

“Learn more about how {product} made with top-quality {ingredient} is providing natural relief for Kiwis WITHOUT any legal implications”

Pretty straightforward right?

Not to this lady.

She drops a comment refuting the ad:

While it’s easy enough to write her off, it’s also equally as easy to reply to her comment and help her understand further.

And that’s exactly what happened.

The founder had a conversation with her in the comments, and educated her on why it won’t (as stated in the ad) lead to any legal implications…

With her newfound clarity, she is now more likely to buy.

This is why you need to be active in your comment section.

There will ALWAYS be those who, even with the most simple ad, will need extra guidance and explanation on things like:

  • What the product is
  • What it does
  • How to buy it
  • Where to learn more


There’s a good chance at least 15% of readers, if not more, want you to break things down further.

This is just the reality of cold traffic.

Scoop up the low hanging fruit by being active in your comment sections.

You’re leaving money on the table if you don’t.

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